S1: Episode 13: We're Back!!!!

August 15, 2023 01:14:16
S1: Episode 13: We're Back!!!!
Raised Rowdy Racing
S1: Episode 13: We're Back!!!!

Aug 15 2023 | 01:14:16


Hosted By

Caleb Conrady Dawson Edwards

Show Notes

Finally after a 3 week break of moving and time out on the road with the Tritt crew the boys are back! Dawson and Caleb talk all things from the Indy Roval, the 34 car's dominating performance, and the recent runs they've had out with ole Travis Tritt. That and more on Episode 13 of Raised Rowdy Racing!

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Produced by:

Nick Tressler & Matt Burrill

A Raised Rowdy Podcast

Intro Track: ‘Earnhardt Fast’ by Dawson Edwards

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Speaker 1 00:00:05 This is Rays Rowdy Racing with Caleb Conrady and Dawson Edwards. Speaker 2 00:00:13 What's up? Beautiful people. We're back. Speaker 3 00:00:15 Hey, hey, hey. Weeks away. We're finally back at it going again. I'm so fricking pumped up. It's, it's blowing my mind right now. Speaker 2 00:00:24 Yeah, this is pretty dope. We were just talking, we got these little, we got, I've never owned a computer in my life, so I got a computer now. Got a fancy webcam. Got this focus right interface thanks to Nikki t got this awesome microphone here. It's pretty cool. Speaker 3 00:00:38 Yeah. And I've got notifications going off on my computer. We've got some stuff we'll figured out. But yeah, we were just talking about, uh, that's probably what we were gonna do first is just kind of talk about this new format we've been gone for, what is it now? Like, almost close to a dang month. We've, we had a lot going on. We did three Speaker 2 00:00:55 Weeks. We Three weeks, yep. Speaker 3 00:00:57 Yeah. And I mean, we by no means we, when we last had a podcast, we talked about, yeah, we're gonna be missing a week 'cause we're moving. And then it turned into three whole weeks. 'cause this move process for both of us is just taking a, taking a lot longer than we anticipated. But we've got a new way We're gonna be recording the podcast now. We each have our own podcast room in our houses we just moved to, which is kind of cool. Speaker 2 00:01:21 Yeah, I love that. Um, Speaker 3 00:01:23 Uh, 'cause you've actually had your chance to get your set up a little bit and it looks great back here with all the sheet metal and everything hanging in the background. I just still got this blank canvas behind me. Nothing really going on here yet, but there's gonna be stuff up here. If you can see into my dirty room, ignore it. We will fix that later. But yeah, it's uh, it's pretty neat to finally be back and be doing it again. And so, uh, Nikki t had told us about this new, uh, podcast space online called Riverside. So we're now recording all of our podcast remotely. Dawson's in Georgia now. He moved down there, bought his house. Congratulations again on that. Speaker 2 00:02:04 Uh, yeah, it's been a great everything about it, man. Yeah, I'm pumped. Speaker 3 00:02:08 Heck yeah. You got chickens? Yeah, Speaker 2 00:02:10 I got the chickens. Everything else, the Rams downs and Lindsay and I was gonna bring ran call Rams in here later and put her up to the camera, you know? Speaker 3 00:02:19 Absolutely. You should <laugh> just in, introduce everybody, the dog that may be barking in the background to some video at some point. Speaker 2 00:02:24 Yeah, she's already barking from Mailman this morning. Speaker 3 00:02:27 Heck yeah. That's a good dog then. Yeah, dog's working fine. You don't even have to restart it. That's the best part. But, uh, but yeah, so we, uh, we've got our podcast room set up now. We are going to be doing all these podcasts from here on out remotely where me and Dawson are both on the screen. We can see each other, we can talk to each other and we can joke around and banter, but we don't even have to leave the comfort of our own home. So we are, uh, we've actually got a few plans in the books. We don't have anything fully set up yet for, uh, for scheduling. So we don't have any dates to announce yet, but we've been talking, we have some great ideas of ways that we can use this new format to really help out and engage with y'all a little bit more. Speaker 3 00:03:10 We, this is so much simpler with, we used to, we were going over to Nikki T's house and we were sitting down in the studio and it was a phenomenal setup. It was awesome 'cause we were all in the same room that had its benefits, uh, just for the energy in the room. And then this, I think is gonna have the benefit of this is so easy. Me and Dawson just gotta log onto this software and we can go in and we can talk about the betts that we're gonna make. We can talk about any wild news that pops up. We can pretty much just sit down at any point that we're both available and record some video and we can get it uploaded really quick. And so we can talk with y'all about anything we want to. We can make some tos out of this. We're definitely, uh, we have a lot of plans for it now that we've seen the, uh, seen how it works. And we've walked through, uh, updating Dawson's computer, I think like 17 times today alone. We finally got it working. So Speaker 2 00:04:01 27 years old and never on a computer till last night, Speaker 3 00:04:05 Which is impressive. Pretty impress. I've pretty impressive. Never seen, I don't know, a single person I think in my entire life that did not own a computer until Dawson. And it's been seven years. Me and this me and this dude have known each other and he just hasn't owned a computer the entire time. It's been wild. Yeah. And I, I couldn't live without mine. Speaker 2 00:04:22 I posted on Facebook a picture and Todd Williams commented. I never thought I'd see the day Speaker 3 00:04:28 And or something like that. Agreed with him. That's exactly what he said. I never thought I'd see the day. And that's exactly what I said too. When you finally got it, I was like, dang. I know that there's a good reason why you had to get it, but it just cracks me up that you haven't had one up until now. Speaker 2 00:04:40 I've never needed one. You know, I didn't go to college or anything, so, and I ride, I have an iPad, so I ride on my iPad. So somehow I've just made it 27 years without needing a computer. Speaker 3 00:04:49 That's a new rule. I never knew you had to go to college to have a computer. It's wild things you learn. Speaker 2 00:04:54 Well, I feel like most people that get one they before college, you know, <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:04:58 Yeah. Uh, I remember I bought mine off of a, off of a woman I used to live with back in the day. She did a lot of merch for Bob Seger back in the day. And she had this computer for merch, but she was slowing down. So she's like, honestly, if you want it. And just, I paid her for it and I've had this thing forever and it's working out great now. I'm glad I had it. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:05:16 Yeah. This is cool. I've, I got my notes pulled up here. I got you on here. I got my camera, my interface. Dude, I, I'm looking, I'm looking top tier. Speaker 3 00:05:26 Heck yeah. And that's the great part about this too, is like we actually have the ability to hold our notes up in front of our faces now. So the last few podcasts we did before we started this, we were kind of just flying off the seat of our pants. And now we're gonna have notes and everything. We're gonna know exactly what we're gonna be talking about every single time. Excited. Speaker 2 00:05:42 I'm about to take Maxwell over and start cutting demos in here. Speaker 3 00:05:46 There you go. <laugh> <laugh>, Alex Maxwell. Eat Your Heart Out. <laugh>. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:05:51 He, I think he listens to the podcast so he'll enjoy that. Speaker 3 00:05:55 Oh heck yeah. I love it. We have a, we have two no hits references already. We have Todd and Alex both already referenced. Yeah. At some point in this, in this podcast. Speaker 2 00:06:03 I also wanted to say, um, thank you to everyone that has reached out. Like, not that it's a bunch of people, but I've had a couple people on Twitter, a couple people on Instagram and a couple people on Facebook reach out. Like, when's the podcast coming back? Like, y'all are awesome. You know, whatever. Like, that's pretty dope. Yeah. Me and Caleb have never claimed to be podcasters, but it's, it's been working out. We're literally, each week we get more downloads and more views, which is cool. So, uh, thank y'all. I'm excited. I'm excited to be back. We're like you said, we're gonna get to do a lot more content now, which is gonna be freaking awesome. So I, I think this is only, it can only go up from here really. Speaker 3 00:06:43 I, I definitely second that. I, when you started telling me about all the people reaching out to you, I was, I was surprised and yeah, really, really happy to hear it. 'cause that's awesome. Knowing that there's some people out there that are listening that really, really care and want to hear what we have to say. That's, that's humbling for sure. I didn't, I didn't expect that outreach whenever we, uh, went off the air for a couple weeks and it's awesome to hear it 'cause it gives us a lot of motivation to get back to it. We have been working our tail off to get all this stuff set up so we can get back at it and it's spending some Speaker 2 00:07:13 It money getting this equipment ready. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:07:15 Yeah, this has definitely been an investment of not just time, but money to get all this stuff set up. I got, we basically got our living room set up, then we got our bedroom set up and the third thing I went to, she went to the kitchen and I went to the podcast room. So we definitely made this a priority. Like I said, I don't even have any of my stuff hung up yet. We're still in the process of moving and it's, it's been great now that we've got this whole setup. I don't have to worry anymore. We can just go in every Monday morning and record and it's only gonna take an hour. Used to, we had to drive all the way into town, record and then drive outta town. Now it's just gonna be a walk outta your bedroom and hit the button. Speaker 2 00:07:51 Yeah, no, that's, I'm exciting. That's incredible. It's funny you brought up, you know, doing the podcast room, you know, for the last 10 years I've only rented places, you know, so like, you don't really get to do a whole lot. You can't, you just kind of have your room, you know, whatever. And uh, you know, every place I've moved into, you come in and like decorate my room, you know, whatever. And then, you know, moving in here, we have a whole house, we have a big yard, we have all this stuff that just has to be done. And I was telling, you know, y'all this past weekend, it's like, it's been the greatest thing because I've, I've literally not had something to do. Like, it's just been full blast, nonstop every single day. Me and Lindsay doing something, she's actually been working from home the, since we moved, we moved here on the 25th of last month. Speaker 2 00:08:38 So her job, they were, uh, doing something I think like painting the office something big where like they had to all, I mean, they obviously got a big building, so it took a while had everybody came out, had to work from home, which like super just happened to work out that same week. So it was cool that she was here and she, today's her first day back. So, uh, you know, we were both here. Got a ton of work done. Got, she decorated the whole house. And like, like I said, there's just been stuff to do nonstop. Like we're doing stuff tonight. We're, you know, we're hanging all the new, uh, towel. We gotta get new towel holders. There wasn't many, I don't know why there wasn't towel holders in this house, but we're, we're hanging those tonight. Like we've just, you know, had something to do nonstop and it's been awesome. Speaker 3 00:09:21 That's hilarious. 'cause we don't have a single towel holder in this house at all, so That's so funny. We have the same exact problems, <laugh>. Exactly. And we've gotta figure out a way to put it in. 'cause all these walls back here, you can see the little joists in 'em, they look like, uh, modular home walls. And this is not a modular home. Really. Yeah. So I've gotta figure out if we can even put a hole through these dang things. And we haven't even gotten close to the decorating phase of moving yet. I, if I could, I don't know if I can make this work, but you can see all of the stuff we still have hanging around. I mean, we've got stuff all over the ground everywhere, so That's awesome. We've got a, we've got a lot of work yet to go. Speaker 2 00:09:56 It's cool though. Yeah. But Speaker 3 00:09:57 We're gonna get there. Speaker 2 00:09:58 Yeah. Stuff on the plate, stuff to do, you know. Speaker 3 00:10:00 Heck yeah, we definitely do. But, uh, well, speaking of stuff on our plate and stuff to do, we're still hired by Travis Strip and that is still a thing. Yeah. We still, we have not gotten fired in the last three weeks, which is a solid accomplishment for a couple of idiots on the road. Speaker 2 00:10:15 Yeah, that's, yeah, that's another thing with, with, with me and you like our jobs, it's not like we, we can work at home three or four days and then we go make money for three or four days. So you don't have, you only have, you know, a few days to get stuff started to work on, you know? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:10:31 And damn, we've been like the busiest part of our, we're getting into the busiest part of our year. We've got all of August every single weekend. We were out for a minimum two days and we've got two more three day weekends coming up. And then September we have like, maybe the first 12 days off and then after that we're busting tail back at it. I think we're on the road for 12 days straight in September. So that's gonna be interesting. It's literally, Speaker 2 00:10:54 It's like 14 off and then 12 on Speaker 3 00:10:56 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So this has been, it has been a challenge to get all this stuff done while you're also gone and we're leaving from Nashville to get to these places we've been having to leave at, we normally would leave at midnight. We've been having to leave at 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM and 10. And we've got, we've gotta leave this Wednesday again at 6:00 PM So we've got a whole bunch Speaker 2 00:11:20 Of, we're just checking that out. Speaker 3 00:11:22 Yeah. We've got a whole bunch of days where we're having to leave hours earlier than we normally would, which makes it even more difficult because then you're giving up half of another day. I mean, it makes for great per diem. But other than that, it has been tough the last few weeks trying to get all this stuff done while also working for, uh, for tr on the road. Speaker 2 00:11:41 At least we have money coming in. That's what I tell Lindsay. It's like, man, we're not lacking on money for these first few months, which is good. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:11:47 Yeah. We luckily that is helping us out a little bit, just making sure that we have a good solid source of income. 'cause moving is expensive and it never gets cheaper. It has always been and will always be the most expensive thing you can do. So see, and Dawson's even just, he's just exhausted today. Speaker 2 00:12:04 Y'all in big time just been Speaker 3 00:12:05 Doing so much stuff. Yeah, I mean my, my legs hurt, my body hurts. We were in a, so for the, for the trip crew this last weekend, we were in Joliet, Illinois, which is where Chicagoland Speedway is. We were about maybe 25 minutes from the Speedway working in a venue we'd done last year, almost a year to the date. Yep. So that was kind of nice getting to revisit somewhere. And then we got Myrtle Beach all over again. I don't know if anybody, if you saw the, uh, in the, the outside the round podcast that we did with Matt Burrell, we talked all about how at Myrtle Beach we got hit by a torrential downpour. It happened again in North Lawrence, Ohio for the Neon Knights Festival. They have, they have up there. And it was rough. We had everything covered up. We knew that was sealed off the forecast. I mean, we had it perfect. Changeover happens, it's still pretty good. We rip everything off of all the instruments, all the tarps came off, boom bottom falls out, starts pouring down rain. There is rivers of water flowing underneath our risers right next to our pedal boards. Everything was just completely soaked all over again. And it was, I was, I know I was freaking out because it was, I just knew we were gonna have to have a whole nother week at soundcheck again that I was, luckily Speaker 2 00:13:26 I was praying that that wasn't the case. Speaker 3 00:13:28 Yeah. But honestly, after Speaker 2 00:13:30 Murder Beach we did way better with Yeah. Way better with job. Speaker 3 00:13:33 Yeah. We learned way, way more. We had just bought a bunch of clamps. We bought like 14, 17 clamps to attach things with and Dawson knew exactly what to do. And I was over there like helping out with the stuff on the side of the stage and gosh dang man. It was, that was rough. That was another one of those days where it was just, it was horrible from the moment that we uncovered that stuff until we finally got it loaded up in the truck. It was, it was awful. And then, Speaker 2 00:14:00 And then we're loading out and it pours down rain twice and like Derrick's lights the cup, the lights are like this, like the lenses in there and it looked like you just poured water in it. And I was like, wow. He ended up only losing one light, which was great for him. He thought it was gonna be tons more, which so did I, but we, we really did, we had a lot better time with this. We're a lot more prepared. As our boy Josh Hammond says, you only get caught with your pants down once and you know, once you make those one mistakes, you figure it out. Figure a way to do it. We had rain, we had rain possibly at another show not too long ago. And like Caleb said, we got, we wouldn and bought those clamps so we'd have 'em. And uh, somehow used all like 16 or 17 clamps and got 'em all back, which I was very surprised by. But got 'em all Speaker 3 00:14:45 Back. Yeah. Lose a single one. Yeah, man, it was just, we were sitting up there talking with the promoter. Uh, they were trying to convince us like, no, it's, it's fine. We're good to go. And we're just like, until we are absolutely 100% sure that we are not going to screw every piece of equipment up on here. We are not going to start. Yeah. And we ended up starting the show about 15 minutes before we were slated to end our show. So we were delayed by like an hour, 15 hour and 20 minutes. It was a, it was a solid delay, but the whole crowd out there the entire time, they stuck around. They sat through the entire rainstorm. They were cheering, they were yelling Travis's name over and over again. They were hollering. Our guitar tech bud was cracking me up because he kept going out there and hamming the crowd out. Well, crown Speaker 2 00:15:32 Phillips was out there, Speaker 3 00:15:33 Crown Phillips came out and he was, he was trying to pop him up. He was like holding his hand over his ear like, I can't hear you. And then doing the whole like, lift up, he's Speaker 2 00:15:42 Getting guitar, picks my Speaker 3 00:15:43 Scream, taking Speaker 2 00:15:44 Shot, putting a, he's got a cup up there taking shots of whiskey on stage. Speaker 3 00:15:49 Yeah. With the crowd. It was awesome. He was, he was cracking me up, man. He was, he was definitely having, he was keeping the crowd entertained in the, in the meantime. 'cause we couldn't promise them a time of when we'd get started, if we'd even get started. So he was just trying to make sure that they, uh, stuck around and stayed interested. Speaker 2 00:16:05 That was my favorite part. The promoter guy, I don't even know who it was, but Scott is literally telling him like, we're like 30 minutes away from even UNT tarping. And uh, he literally said something like, don't give him an exact time. That son of a bitch goes up there on stage and goes, Travis true will be here in 25 minutes. And Scott just gets pissed and he's like, no, you son of a bitch. I said, 25 minutes till we un, or 30 minutes till we UNT tarp and don't tell him a time. And the first thing he says is, Travis Trit in 25 minutes. And I was like, oh, what? Speaker 3 00:16:37 Oh no, that, I mean, we did not make that Speaker 2 00:16:40 25 minutes obviously goes nuts. Goes no chance. Speaker 3 00:16:43 Yeah, we, I mean even after we untaped, we gotta check everything all over again. Make sure it's still working. But it was, yeah, we did it completely. Thankfully. Speaker 2 00:16:50 Line check again. Speaker 3 00:16:51 Yeah. Ugh. It was Speaker 2 00:16:54 Wild. Uh, just one of those things. And then luckily we ended it on a great note, which was incredible. Everybody was happy, great show indoors, good hands, all the things. It was like, Speaker 3 00:17:04 Wow. Yeah, that one was at, uh, French Lick and I had Allison, my fiance, she drove up to come watch and then Katie, my cousin, she drove down. She just moved up to Illinois. So she was, that was like a halfway point for all of us to meet up at. So we all met up and we ended up staying the night and went around and looked at the town. French look, beautiful town, loved it. Larry Bird, Speaker 2 00:17:23 Home of Larry Bird, Speaker 3 00:17:25 Home of Larry Bird. Something I didn't know until we got there. Allison actually knew it. She was like, I was, we went driving around and it was like Larry Bird Avenue and I was like, this Larry Bird from this town. And she was like, yeah. I was like, how did you know that? She said, I watched some documentary like years ago and she just happened to remember that French Lick was the name of the town. And I was like, oh, well that's, that's wild. Who, who knew? And uh, yeah, Speaker 2 00:17:49 When Scott's parents came up, you know, they were sitting at the bus, his parents told us, told me that Larry Bird was from there and that exact resort we played at, they went on their 10th wedding anniversary there and they've been married for 57 years. So that was 47 years ago she told me. Dang. That's Speaker 3 00:18:05 Crazy. Speaker 2 00:18:06 They're big into golf and Speaker 3 00:18:07 This place has been a while. Wow. Speaker 2 00:18:08 Yeah, they're big into golf. They have that super nice golf course there and all that. So I thought that was pretty cool. And I had no idea Larry Bird was from there till, you know, right before we left. Speaker 3 00:18:19 Yeah. We uh, we even went down. There's this guy that did a bunch of metal art. It was right down the road from the resort, then we went, because we saw a few things outside. We were just wanting to look at it and we ended up buying this little sunflower, uh, thing. It was made outta old barn and tin metal. And uh, we went in and talked with a guy and he was like, oh, y'all in town for the resort. And I was like, well sorta. I went and worked the show with Travis and he said, oh really? My son's a rigger. He works over in Indianapolis. I was like, we've probably met each other and had no idea. And for sure now we were sitting there talking with him and he was like, yeah, I've got these cabins that I run out up the hill. Speaker 3 00:18:53 So we've already got plans. Like dude was like, yeah, we can come and stay at my cabins and you can, if you want to, you can check 'em out before you leave town. And he's like, they're all unlocked. Everybody's already checked out so they should be empty. So we drove around and it was right next to his shop. We drove up there and went and looked at these cabins. They are phenomenal. They look awesome. So we're already trying to make plans of going up there and staying at these cabins. That's cool. Getting Allison's family down and going out and enjoying that lake they have out there. I fell in love with a little town of French Lick. So all about it. If anybody's looking for a, a nice little vacation spot, hit up French Lick Indiana. It's nice and quiet. Everything was cheap too. It's kind of like a Jackson hole except you leave there with some money in your pocket. Speaker 2 00:19:33 Damn. Jackson Hole is just not cheap. That's the one thing about it. Speaker 3 00:19:38 Yeah. It's absolutely gorgeous place, but you better come there with a few bands you're ready to part with. 'cause you're gonna need it. Everything costs so much money there. Speaker 2 00:19:47 The lady that gave us the lawn in this house, she uh, we were sitting there like getting ready to sign the papers and I can't remember the other place that she said, but they, her husband's like a big gambler and they like, he's a seven star person in all these resorts and all this stuff. Damn. And they get, he like, you know how the giveaway free stuff, you know, whatever. Well he had, they had a chance to get two, they had a free trip to either Jackson Hole or somewhere else. I can't remember the other place, but either way I'd been to Bo I'd been to both places. Yeah. And I was like, Ja, whatever the other option was, I was like, Jackson Hole's definitely way cooler of a place. Like you should go to Jackson Hole. I was like, but it is just really, really expensive. Just be ready, like a pair of blue jeans that cost like 50 bucks here cost like 150 bucks there and they're the same pair of blue jeans. So I, I was like, I don't really know what's going on with that, but I would go there but bring some money. Speaker 3 00:20:42 Bring some money. That is the key. No doubt about it. Or Speaker 2 00:20:46 Some money. One of the two. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:20:48 Hey, it sounds like he could win some money. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:20:50 He sounds like he's like a good gambler or, you know, knows what he's doing. Speaker 3 00:20:55 God, I've learned that I am not a good gambler when it comes to sports betting. I'll tell you that much. Just from our NASCAR betts and our Braves betts and everything. I'm not very good at it. <laugh>. I, that's what we tell everybody every week is we'll give you some ideas of what we're looking at, but you better not take 'em to heart and don't come to climb to us whenever we lose because we lost with you. So we feel your pain. But it is what it's, yeah, we're good at losing so you gotta great at losing man. If it, if losing was winning, man, I'd have a trophy for it, but Speaker 2 00:21:25 Damn Speaker 3 00:21:26 Just is what it is. Uh, but yeah, so Speaker 2 00:21:30 Ready to talk about some racing. Speaker 3 00:21:32 I am ready to talk about some racing. So I will give a caveat for this one. I was driving back from French Lick when the race was going on, so I was watching it while I was rolling down the road. So I caught most of it. I did miss a few things, but I have a pretty good idea and I enjoyed even not watching the whole thing. 100%. I enjoyed the hell outta myself. That was a really fun race yesterday. Very top race. It Speaker 2 00:21:57 Was, it was, it was a very old school, uh, NASCAR race, which we've talked about on this podcast before. I appreciate that a lot more than I used to because it does seem like sometimes you get some manufacturer finishes in NASCAR or a dumb caution, you know, whatever. Like, it, it is refreshing to see a race. The only caution was LA two when, uh, uh, Logano hit the 31 mm-hmm. <affirmative> and they raced the rest of the race. The race only lasted two hours and nine minutes total from flag to flag. Yeah. So it was just kind of refreshing to see that and it, you know, see a road course race that wasn't an absolute shit show. These guys, they, they had an absolute shit show at this place last year and then Coda earlier this year was just a disaster. So it was nice to see just a normal race play out. Were the best cars. I mean the guy that dominated the race won the best. Carly top five cars were the best, were the best five cars up there all day. The only other one that I think would've been up there Bush, he was probably had, he had top five speed, but when he started blowing his engine, he had some valve springing issues that was the end of that. But if, if, if not for that, I think the top five fastest cars would've finished top five. Speaker 3 00:23:13 I agree completely. And you know what I think is everything to do with it moving the restart zone Speaker 2 00:23:19 100%. That was, well they moved the restart zone, but they only had to have one restart. So, you know. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:23:25 And it just, I will say it was that that one, that one restart both of the, both the initial start and the one restart they got to have, the reason I think it wasn't a shit show is because, and I think it would've played out even if there was other cautions, they weren't allowed to get themselves bunched up and enter into the corner four or five wide. 'cause I just don't, it's just something that NASCAR has NASCAR drivers have not figured out is how to have that mutual respect on the racetrack when it comes to a road course in specific on ovals. I don't want 'em to have that respect. It's, they've got the room to move, they know where they need to go and you can tell by, you can tell how good they are at Oval Track racing. It's in their background because nobody is going to make a really dumb move early in the race, like going three wide on a track that you just can't fit three wide, like diving into turn one at Bristol four wide, it's not gonna work. Speaker 3 00:24:23 They don't do it. They don't do it every, every restart. You can have clean restart after clean restart and they'll do it. But for some reason at road courses everybody loses their mind dive bombing the hell out of each other. And to turn one under breaking the car to the point where you have to bounce off of someone, it's like as soon as we have to turn right, we lost all track of what it is we're supposed to do. And I think that's what that restart zone really helped out with was you're already coming off of a corner coming up to speed. Somebody's gonna do that a little better than the other, but you have to do it too wide and it allows them a chance to get up to speed. Nobody can really jump the restart on that straight line and dive down in there and get 4, 3, 3, 4 wide before you have a chance to get to turn one because nobody's gonna have that good of a run already just because you hit the gas better. Speaker 3 00:25:10 Yeah. So I think that definitely helped out a little bit, even though it didn't play a huge role throughout the entirety of the race. I think the one or two opportunities they had to actually use it showed how much that helps. And I wonder if they might take that thought process into other road courses. I don't know if they will. I don't know if they had a good enough chance to see it that day, but I really think that was a very smart move. You can still allow them to start the race too wide. You don't have to bring 'em down to single file. And we didn't have the shit shows of turn one and I was such a fan of that. Me too. But that's just for the initial beginning of the race. So, Speaker 2 00:25:48 And I think it's uh, uh, this weekend also showed that turn one, uh, Joey Logano, the 22 just can't, just can't figure it out. He, he couldn't figure it out last year. He knocked, as I said, he, he's the one that hit the 31 and then on that restart come around and he just locks him up and spins it around. It's like, yeah man, one of the best, Speaker 3 00:26:10 A teammate in the field Speaker 2 00:26:11 But just can't figure it out. And oh, he did, he rear ended Speaker 3 00:26:14 Blaney, he hit ney big Speaker 2 00:26:15 Time. He hit, yeah, he rear ended Blaney big time. Speaker 3 00:26:19 And you can tell how pissed off I was about that. I was mad dude when that happened. I was like, Logano, what in the hell are you doing, man? Yeah. Like you're hitting your own teammates, you're spinning out. Like, come on, get it under control. Speaker 2 00:26:31 Yeah. He knocked the shit out of him. It was, it was a hard lick. They showed the on onboard and I was like, wow, that was hard lick than I thought it was. Speaker 3 00:26:38 Yeah, dude, it was just absolutely unbelievable. There's just never a reason to be doing all that. And he was just out there doing it. Yeah, I know. A bowling ball in the middle of a field of bowling pins. Speaker 2 00:26:49 It is. We uh, we, we hinted on this, me and Caleb talked last night on the phone, but, uh, dude McDowell coming out like what a what an impressive run. Like they, that is the most laps ever led by a front row car. Most laps ever led by the 34 car ever. I mean, they just absolutely Speaker 3 00:27:10 Stage win old Speaker 2 00:27:11 Fashioned. Yeah. First stage win old fashioned ass whooping on him. And we talked, what we said last night, he was one point away from a perfect race and what a perfect race is for those of y'all that don't know if you can, if you win both stages and the race, you get the full 60 points, you get 40 for winning and then boom, boom, 10 for each one. And he got 59 points yesterday. And for a guy, I mean, even if he, even if he wouldn't have won the race, he, he would've gained so much on the playoff point line, it would've been insane because they went out and executed it almost perfectly. Now granted, they won the race, so they're locked in ready to go now no matter what. But like, dude, that was just, I expect Miguel runs well on road courses. So I I, he does put a top five bet down on him, but like, dude, he dominated and those guys in second and uh, third and fourth were talking about the interviews and stuff. Speaker 2 00:28:06 There's just, I mean he just, he literally ran a perfect race and they were, they're talking about the pit crew. Like, look, we don't have to be the fastest pit crew just, if you just need to slow it down a tick, let's just slow it down a tick to make sure everything's perfect on the pit stop. And man, that's what they did. They executed the whole race, didn't speed on pit road. I mean it was just damn near as perfect of a race you could run. And I love that for Michael McDowell in front row. Bob Jenkins, he's been in the sport a long, long, long time and they have had to run in the back for a long, long, long time to get to where they are. But they've, I mean, this whole season, it's not a fluke win. I mean, the six, the 34 car is run has ran his, he's, he was in the playoffs by a few points. Speaker 2 00:28:47 I mean, like his average finish this year is like 10 to 12 spots better than it's ever been, better than it was last year. So I was just, I mean they've been running great. They're, they're really, you know, turn that thing around and I love everything about that for, for Todd Gilland, for Michael McDowell and Bob Jenkins. I just, I love everything about it. Yeah. Loves and Speed Co and everybody that's involved with that. You Boys Boot Barn, they, they're involved with them some, so it's like this's just, it's cool. It's good for everybody involved. Yeah. I, I love to see it. Speaker 3 00:29:17 I was just telling Allison about it yesterday while we were riding home. I was like, Michael McDowell is leading this race and if you had told me three years ago Michael McDowell would be leading a race and nearly would get a perfect race, I would've laughed. That just wasn't Speaker 2 00:29:30 Anything that, not just leading but dominated that whole race. Speaker 3 00:29:32 Yeah. By multiple, like two second leads at all times up until right at the very last couple laps. Yeah. And it was like Daytona 500 win lit something in that team that they had been missing for their entire existence up until that point. And I know it's a Daytona of 500 win, of course that's gonna light a fire underneath you, but a Daytona of 500 win. Ask Austin Cindrich how long that that momentum can really last. He doesn't have that same momentum. Michael McDowell went and embraced that win, took the, took the energy it gave to the team and obviously the extra money and turned that into an entirely brand new organization that moved themself up into playoff contenders. Not just we're in the race to, we're competitive in this race. A top 10 is the minimum of what we expect anymore, especially on a road course. Speaker 3 00:30:23 They're, they're getting to that point of we can set these goals for ourself. And he said two different things this weekend that really got my attention. One was right before the race started, he said, man, it's been a very long time since I felt this nervous getting into a race car. But I absolutely love it. I'm taking that nervous energy and I'm turning that into results and I, I have an expectation that even though we are competing against the Joe Gibbs and the Hendricks of the world with infinite amounts of money, we have a small team that can make it into these playoffs and has a chance to go far. And that gives me a lot of excitement. Nat. I love to hear that. And then too with about like, I think it was 10 or 12 to go, they played a recording of him on the broadcast talking from his car saying, uh, I just want, uh, I just want my position and time to the time to the second place car, no other feedback please. Speaker 3 00:31:15 Like, he's, he's now talking as a leader in that group of, and I can't say that I know what he used to talk like on the radio before all this happened, but now he is calling his own shots. He's saying, I know what I need to do. Stop trying to pump me up. I'm confident in what my abilities are. Just give me the time back to the second place car so I know where I'm at and just please let me drive my race. That's profe, that's professional. It, it's somebody that knows for a fact that they have what it takes. I don't need you to pump me up anymore. So I, I love both of those things. And then after he wins, he's saying, make sure to get my family here because he got that Daytona 500 win in the middle of Covid land where nobody was allowed in winners in Victory Lane. So he finally got to have his moment with his family getting a checkered flag and he's got two, uh, two wins at two of the biggest racetracks in America now, Daytona and Indy. So talk about somebody with some wild wind stats, wild momentum. It's Michael McDowell right now and good for him. He is. He has earned it and worked his ass off to get here. Speaker 2 00:32:18 You hit on it for just a second there, but I wanted to bring this up and I, I can't remember if it was Dale, Jr. Denny Hamlin, somebody talked about winning a Daytona 500 and I think they were actually talking about it this year when Stint House won, but kind of talking about a small team, but winning a Daytona 500 because it pays so well it is they said is almost equivalent to signing another associate sponsor for the team. Wow. So like that's how much, that's how much money a Daytona 500 win is, and o obviously we know the Daytona 500 is would pay the most, but um, back in 2020 or uh, somebody was talking, it was about the Ryan Newman wreck and Corey Lejo and Corey was talking about not lifting, you know, with a wreck being in front of whatever. And he said, you know, each spot, once you get up that high, each spot is 25 grand per car you pass, you know, when you're up at that, up at the front. Speaker 2 00:33:11 And that's when they were, he was like, I'm not lifting, you know, if wreck or not, I'm not lifting. So, you know, obviously he won, he won that two years ago. So not saying that money is directly why by no means they're turning it around. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But for real, like you said, point at money has a lot to do with it. And if the Daytona five hundreds, what sparked that fire, sparked the checkbook, it's like they've really turned it around over there. And I mean even, even Todd Gillman, he ran, he ran, he was literally a back place car last year and he's not this year. He, he, he has put that 38 car in the top 10 multiple times this season already. And he's running, he's also running another 10 spots, 10, 12 spots better than he was last year. Like the 34 is mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So they're really, they really are turned it around as a whole team from going to a a 25th place team to these guys are top 15, top 10 guys week in and week out Speaker 3 00:34:05 They are. Which is really cool. And now they're signed for next year too. Like good for them. They that, that talk about just a team that has taken everything that they had and upped it by a good few notches and has done it in quieter fashion than your track houses and your 23 elevens just coming outta the gate and whipping tail. They did it by the old school NASCAR way of race your heart out fucking way there for a yeah, for a decade and a half. Just do everything that you can. Even when you have no hope of winning a race, you show up even when you have no hope of finishing top 10, you fight for the top 15. You just do what you can until those goals can finally start up moving up and getting them to places that they never even thought possible five years ago. So good for them. It's a happy, Speaker 2 00:34:54 It's a long game. It's a long game. You gotta look, you know, look at teams like, you know, front row or furniture row, they did the same thing. They ran, they started back in the early two thousands and ran, they were starting Park Carter begin with. And I mean, it just takes time. Takes time takes time. And the, some of these teams that have stuck it out, I mean you just never know, like, you know, front row R F K, they've turned it around that it's been 15 years since they freaking had back to back wins and look at them. And if you would've told me that, you know, the last three races, Chris Buscher would've won two and Michael McDowell won, won on pure dominance. All three, all three of those wins that were not fluke wins. It wasn't because some BSS happened, nothing. It was, 'cause those three cars, you know, went out and won the race dominated like in a year where like Ford's been kind of off and, and everybody's talking like the best Ford teams like R F K had has jumped Penske, uh, you know, while back and like now your top Ford team and everybody's jumped ss h r but your top four teams right now in the last like 10 weeks off like straight up average finish, just pure running order has been r f K in front row. Speaker 2 00:36:04 And that's just gotta be, those guys gotta be walking in the shop every morning with their chest just poked out. Beating teams like Penske and s h r like that is just cool. Speaker 3 00:36:13 Absolutely Speaker 2 00:36:13 Shit. And we, and me and you obviously we're huge R F K fans too. So like, everybody's like it, they just gotta be pumped up about that, you know? Speaker 3 00:36:23 Yeah, no doubt about it. I've, I have never been so excited for these small teams to go out and do the things that they're doing and really showing up the big guys saying like, yeah, you can, you can walk in with thousands and millions of dollars and just throw it at the racetrack and see what sticks. Or you could have a small team like us who doesn't have the resources, who are gonna show up with the confidence, the, the need, the want and the heart and the ambition to make it happen despite the amount of money that you have going on. Good for the little guy. Yeah. This has been a very blue collar NASCAR season for sure. That especially I in the last month, like you just said, this is a blue collar season for nascar. I love it. Speaker 2 00:37:03 They, and they said when they brought the next gen car in, this was the goal. Now it's taken us a year and a half, you know, to get here. But if this is what it is going to do, really I'm here for it. Like, you know, these guys are getting a lot of the same parts and like all this stuff and you know, it does take a lot of that traditional nascar, you know, we can, we can build and tweak and do all this stuff for sure. Are the guys like Gibbs and Hendrick always gonna have more money? Yes. But they're bringing these same type of cars to the track, which is, it does, it is helping out these small teams. I mean we're watching it happen right now, so Yeah. Speaker 3 00:37:39 And the only people complaining about it are the people that are driving for the big teams that aren't doing as well as they used to. Speaker 2 00:37:44 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:37:45 You notice that a lot. There's nobody, nobody in those small teams is complaining about this next gen car unless it's very in the moment complaints. Then you have somebody like, you know, Denny Hammond loves to talk about his, his finishes and different things on his podcast and he talks a whole lot of crap about this car, about how you can't do this and you can't do that. We need to take this away. You'll see the proof is in the pudding. These small teams are winning more races. These big teams are struggling more to be as competitive as they used to be. Their, their standards are still way up here and their finishes are now a bit below it because it has gotten fairer throughout the field's. Everyone, everyone has a bit more of a chance. Speaker 2 00:38:26 They're still competitive, but the other teams are more competitive than they used to be. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So there's a more diverse, you know, top 15 than there was. And you know, know, last year there was 19 winners and this year we're already up to 15. I mean, we still got 14 races to go last year. The first three races, the playoffs were won by non playoff guys. We could totally have another, we're gonna, we're gonna have another, you know, I mean we got Daytona in Talladega coming up and you know, another road course in the Roel. Those are four wild card races still in the next, you know, 12 races where we could still hit that 19, 18, 16, you know, winners a year, which Speaker 3 00:39:04 Is, I think we will. Crazy, Speaker 2 00:39:05 Crazy. It's just the, the days of going out and I know Larsson just did it and in 2021, but that was with the other car. Like, uh, I think the days of going out and winning 10 races a year is just, the chances aren't as high as they used to be. Once somebody finds something gets on something they can take off with it. Now with everybody running the same stuff, it's just, it's really gonna be hard for a team to ever just go out and dominate and you're gonna have more years like we have now with a couple guys that have, you know, there's a couple guys at the top with four wins, a couple, one guy with five, you know, a guy with three, two, and a bunch of guys with one. Like it's really possible that that's gonna be the new new nascar. Speaker 3 00:39:45 I, and I agree with you. 'cause looking, just looking at the playoffs standings as they sit right now, here's the drivers who don't have wins yet. Kevin Harvick does not have a win yet. Brad Klowski does not have a win yet. Chase Elliot, Bubba Wallace driving for one of the best teams in the, in the sport right now with 2311 does not have a win yet. Daniel Suarez, chase Elliot, like you said, Alex Bowman doesn't have a win yet. Uh, and looking down here, there's a, there's a few others, but those are your, those are your gonna be your heavy hitters. Those guys all don't have wins in this entire season season Speaker 2 00:40:18 And they are capable of winning. They're all capable Speaker 3 00:40:19 Of winning and all of them have, yeah, they've all got multiple wins on their resume. Especially somebody like Harv and Elliot. Those two, one of the two of the most popular drivers in the sport don't have wins yet this year and have struggled. And we're talking about Kevin Harvick, who just a couple years ago had nine wins in the season just last year. Chase Elliott, how many of you have like two or three? What's, it's just crazy I would assume. Speaker 2 00:40:42 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:40:43 So yeah, this, this has been a very different year and I have really enjoyed, I thought I wasn't gonna enjoy it as much as I have, but it's made every race more competitive. It made me feel like my driver could win at any point. And I love that. And some of the drivers that aren't necessarily my favorite, that never would've been able to win that you just love their story. Like a Michael McDowell, like a Chris Buscher, those guys, are they my favorite drivers? No, but do I celebrate every time they get a win now because they get wins now? Hell yeah. It's awesome. Yeah. And you get these guys' names out there and they get seen by more people. It's not just a sport of five people going for a championship and 35 other guys just trying to be the best of the rest. I mean it's, it's now a true anyone that anyone that's in it can win it kind of sport. Speaker 2 00:41:32 Yeah, Speaker 3 00:41:33 I love that. Super, Speaker 2 00:41:34 Super cool man. It's cool, cool. It's a Del Jr said these exact words a couple weeks ago. It's a good time to be a NASCAR Speaker 3 00:41:40 Fan. Maybe having some technic some difficulties here. There you are. Speaker 2 00:41:44 What's going on? What's going on? Speaker 3 00:41:46 Had a bit of a flutter in the, in the, in the signal there, but either way I think we've touched on that plenty and I think we're all in agreement for what's going on. Um, so back to the, uh, the Indy Road course. Uh, Daniel Suarez comes out nearly has his win in the bag and ends up losing it on one bad pit stop. And that is some old school stuff right there in a race that never sees a caution. Execution is everything. And they lost it because their air ho air hose coiled up underneath the, uh, underneath the tire that was under putter in the tire. Speaker 2 00:42:21 Just one of those weird, you know, random things. It just, the way, the way it was like, look, it hit the guy's leg and just popped under there and it was like, Hey, that's just racing. I mean, there's nobody's fault just the way the cord, the the air hose did that. Like, that's just one of those things, you know? Speaker 3 00:42:36 Yeah. Straight up way the cookie crumbled kind of day. They still ended up in the top five. They still executed the rest of the race almost perfectly, but they're had an incredible of winning it. Boom right there. I felt so bad for 'em, man. I do like Daniel Suarez. I don't have anything against him at all. And so when you see somebody lose it in such a heartbreaking fashion that that really sucked to see. But you know, I mean stuff like that is bound to happen. It like everybody, even Denny Hamlin has said it this year and last year, it's all been about execution. You have to be perfect on every facet of your race, including pit road because that's what's gonna make or break your wins. And that was that put into perspective right there. So I I was, I felt super heartbroken about that, but it is man. It is what it is. It's hard. Um, uh, Speaker 2 00:43:25 It's hard. And you talking about, we talking about new nascar, dude, the days of coming back from these, these pit road penalties and like, uh, this goes along with everybody being so competitive and stuff and, and being the, you know, a lot of the same kind of cars. Hard to pass. It's like the days of speeding on pit road, unless it's done in the first you knowin of the race, dude, the days of having some major issue on pit road or a penalty like that, man, you're screwed. Just, I mean, fell tech four times. Like William Byron this past weekend, he was scrounging his eyeballs out trying to get up there and he, he just, and that was to start the race, had to do the pass through, you know, to start the race. It's like, I mean it's just hard to pass. Yeah. It's just, everybody's more competitive now I guess. And that's just part of it, you Speaker 3 00:44:09 Know? Yeah. And you get yourself back there in that pack and it's really hard to pass people. 'cause where did even, uh, William Byron end up? He ended up 14th. We're talking about one of the best teams on the garage right now. He ended up 14th. It's a lot of it has to do with the fact that you can't just drive your way back up anymore. You have to have a boatload of cautions anymore to overcome that stuff. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:44:28 So like Speaker 3 00:44:28 On a race, didn't have a single one. Speaker 2 00:44:29 Yeah, no caution. And you had to start the race with a drive-through penalty. You're screwed man. I mean, you're screwed right off the bat and that's just part of it. Speaker 3 00:44:39 It is. And I, that's why I'm with you. I absolutely love this no caution format. It makes everything a lot better. Um, something else we're gonna talk about Chase Elliot man, just getting that close to getting into the playoffs. He cannot point his way in. I don't, I just don't. He's 80 points Speaker 2 00:44:58 Out right now. There's no Speaker 3 00:44:59 Way. That's not Yeah, no way. You'd have to, you'd have to run two perfect races in a row and everybody else would have to, to get points, penalties for this to happen. It's not gonna happen anymore. He finished in second, less than a second behind Michael McDowell. Imagine Chase Elliot's mind knowing that he lost to a, to a front row motor sports car by one second and is not in the playoffs still because of that. Uh, that is heartbreaking. That is you still, you see him get outta the race car after the race is done and just go over and put his hand on his head like, how the hell am I in this situation? And part of it's self-inflicted with that one race suspension he had for turning earlier in the year. It's like, I mean, imagine Speaker 2 00:45:44 Hand self-inflicted from breaking his legs snowboarding and missing six races plus, Speaker 3 00:45:48 Yeah. Which that I'm, I'm a little bit more forgiving on that. That could have happened to anybody. But the then coming back out and then adding to your problems. Imagine if he hadn't missed that one race. If he had gone out there and just won a stage or finished well in two stages and finished solid, had an eighth place car all day long, he would've had like another, what, 35 points to his name, 40 points to his name. And he could've still been in contention for pointing his way in, but he dug his own hole and here he is, he's got two races left to get in the playoffs. Imagine the nine car not being in the playoffs. That's just something you never would've predicted at the beginning of this year and he's not, he there's a good solid chance. 'cause next week he's got Watkins Glen, which Speaker 2 00:46:30 Is his best shot to do it. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:46:32 Yeah. I, I agree with you. His best shot to win a race is gonna be Watkins Glen. Because if you, if you are wat into Daytona thinking to yourself, I've gotta win this race to get into the playoffs, you and 25 other dudes buddy, sorry about your bad luck. Everyone that's not in the playoffs already is going to be racing you so much harder than you've ever been raced on a restricted point race before you could, you could fall victim to somebody else's mistake, blow a tire, anything could happen. Anybody could win it. He's got one last shot to fully secure his way in. If he wins at Daytona, I will call it luck. There's no way you can say he skillfully earned his way into the playoffs, but it would be a hell of a storybook moment if it happened. I mean, just, but I can't imagine what's going through his mind right now. Speaker 2 00:47:22 Any plate wins, you know, got a ton of luck to it. That's what I agree. You can't go in there. You can't, you can't go in Daytona confidently at all. So the only guys that are going to sleep good on Saturday, on Friday night before the race are, they're gonna be the guys that are locked in. If you, if you are not, you know, we're getting close, uh, after next week, as long as the two and the four have normal races, they'd have to literally finish dead last and not be locked in. 'cause they're both in that 140, 160 Speaker 3 00:47:49 Points. The six and the four. Six and the Speaker 2 00:47:52 Four. Yeah. What did I say? Speaker 3 00:47:53 You said the two, you went back to Brad Speaker 2 00:47:55 KY 60. I'm still, I'm still thinking when I talk about Brad, he's still in the two unfortunately. 'cause I'm, Speaker 3 00:48:00 And when you talk about the expanded series, they're still sponsored by Bush. Speaker 2 00:48:03 Yes. But yes, the six and the four, they're close. As long as they have a normal week next week they're gonna be locked in. So you're gonna have these guys fighting for literally the last spot Speaker 3 00:48:13 You are. And speaking of that last spot, look at what happened just this week with the Indy Road course. Daniel Suarez goes out and has a phenomenal day, even with the pit stop mistake that he made. He's still finished up in the top five. He had a great day. He made up 30 points on, or 20 to 30 points on the bubble from Bubba Wallace. Bubba Wallace is about to go into a, a, a track that he does mediocre at and a track he does pretty good at. But he's only got 28 points of buffer zone if he has one bad, if he has a wreck. And Daniel Suarez just finishes both of these races. Good shot that Daniel Suarez jumps him into getting to the playoffs. So you've got that going on. That's, you've got Ricky Sten, well not Ricky Stenhouse. I hate the way the NASCAR does the playoff bubble thing. It, it really doesn't do a good job of showing your playoff picture. But yeah, you're right. The six and the four, it's pretty much down to the 23 and the 99. Unless Ty Gibbs can somehow come out here and have just a phenomenal next two weeks. But yeah, so they're, we're Speaker 2 00:49:12 Looking at it. Anything can happen in between a road course and a, and a plate track. So we'll see. Man, it's gonna be crazy. The worst case scenario happened for Bubba this week. They lost, you know, they lost like 30 to 35 points and a guy that wasn't in one. So that really screwed them, you know, for their point situation. So that's just, Speaker 3 00:49:32 It really did. I mean, that's the reason you fight for every point you get because here we are, we're getting down to the, we're getting down to the bitter end of it. And 28 points is the difference between him going out and trying to win every race in the playoffs and because he's not in it or trying to fight for strategy because he is, I mean it, the rest of their year is hinging on the next two weeks and whether they can keep 28 points from drowning. And I, I don't know with Bubba Wallace in a pressured situation, I, I don't know if that's gonna really work out. And Osaez, he's got the momentum. He is got the, I think he's got the more consistent team, if I had to put like a word to it. I think all together they're a bit more of a calmer, consistent team. So if they can just put together two solid races and just get into the dang playoffs, let everything reset, let the pressure kind of take a back seat to the cut line and just have a couple races where they're not having to think about that. I think that's, I don't know, I think that's, that's, that's gonna be, it's Daniel Suarez's fight to win right now and it's Bubba's fight to lose you. And I think I have a little more confidence in Suarez to win the fight than Bubba to lose it. Speaker 2 00:50:42 You got, you got 99 who is way better at road courses and then you got the th 23 who's way better at plate tracks and that's what they're five. I didn't even think to put it that way. Here they come here, they come right here, you know, and I mean, what better way for a fan? I mean, I know they're losing sleep about it, but for a fan the next two weeks gonna be awesome. I hate that We're gonna miss the, we're gonna completely miss the Daytona race live because we'll be working, but Speaker 3 00:51:09 Oh, that's heartbreaking. We might have to go in and rewatch it on Sunday just to say we did it. I I know for me it's gonna be hard not to 'cause the Daytona race. Oh, Speaker 2 00:51:17 I'm totally rewatching it. Speaker 3 00:51:19 Yeah. Daytona race to get in the playoffs. That's something worth the rewatch for sure. Um, so Speaker 2 00:51:25 I need your, I need your damn YouTube TV log in. I ain't watched one lick of YouTube TV all, all this whole time. Dang. So I gotta get that from you. Dang. Speaker 3 00:51:33 Yeah, we gotta get that working again. Um, so and one last storyline from the race was, uh, S P g Shane Van GIS Ginsburg. And he was going in with all the hype, he had everybody excited to see him race again. I know. I was excited just to see how he would do at a place that the NASCAR drivers had already been to before and here he goes, comes out and runs on the top 10 all day long. It was crazy. It was incredible. I don't think he ever di if he dipped below 10th, I didn't notice it. Speaker 2 00:52:02 Yeah, he, he is uh, you know, probably gonna get his ass beat at ovals, but the dude on a, on a road course man, he's gonna run top 10. I mean he is proven it tomorrow. I I wish, I wish he could race next week. I know he's racing. I do. Speaker 3 00:52:16 I honestly do too. Super. I really do, Speaker 2 00:52:19 Man. He, he is, he is gonna be one of those guys that they're talking about like, man, you could, you could almost lock him into the playoffs next year if he's a cup driver, you could almost lock him in. 'cause if street courses are gonna be a thing and they talk about moving it around each year, you know, whatever. I mean as long as he doesn't wreck, dude, he's, he's a lock, he's a lock. He with nascar running, running seven road courses a year. And I think somewhere like the Roil, he would be incredible at like the Roil, those, those weird, those weird road courses like the ro Coda a street course and then Indy like those odd ones, dude. Yeah, he, he would kill like, you know, Watkins Glen and Sonoma. Those boys got that thing down at the back of their hand. But some of these others dude, that he, he could really come out and show what he could do. I Speaker 3 00:53:10 Agree wholeheartedly. He's gonna be somebody that's definitely high on anybody's list of, I have an open car, I need somebody to fill this seat. What do I already have? They already have a shitload of guys that can Maurice Oovs pretty well. Most of these teams don't really have a road course ringer and like at like at Hendrick to college Chase Elliott, your road course ringer, I still don't expect him to go out and win every time with Shane Van Ginsburg. And I expect him to go out there and run minimum 10th every time he goes out and hits a hits a road course. And especially like you said, those street courses places they're not used to going, why and why not? Why not Shane, why, why couldn't he do it? And granted small sample size, we've only seen him racing two races. Confidence really high with the win in the first one. That confidence wanes as you start having bad results and put him in a couple ovals in a row where he struggles. I could see things going a little bit differently, but for as it stands, he had two of the strongest performances for a first two race that I've ever seen somebody come out and having a Cup series personally. Now I'm very impressed by that. So good for him going out there and having a good Speaker 2 00:54:22 Old time with him. He's a win in a top 10 in his first two races. Like that's pretty incredible. Speaker 3 00:54:26 Yeah, he's already a third of the way to beating. He's already got more wins than Dana Kirkpatrick and a third of way to beating her top 10 streaks. So yeah. Yippy, Skippy boy, <laugh>, <laugh> had to throw it in there. Hell yeah. Speaker 2 00:54:38 But so on to Betts now. Talk about that for a little Speaker 3 00:54:41 Bit. Well you want to, you wanna talk hack of the week. Speaker 2 00:54:44 We're gonna go ahead and do hack of the week right now. Speaker 3 00:54:46 Might as well. 'cause we're talking about the race that happened in, so we might as well keep it in the theme. We got the hack of the week, Speaker 2 00:54:54 The, the hack of hack of the week. Uh, we uh, it, it cracked both of us up what junior, Dale Junior said when he said this, but Ricky Stenhouse blew through every road course ringer guy out there except international Speaker 3 00:55:09 Driver. Speaker 2 00:55:09 Except international driver. Yeah. Just blew through him and Denny or uh, junior said something along the lines of like, he's a couple away. He'll just have 'em all knocked outta the way doing the hat trick or whatever. Yeah. And so we were like, man, we gotta give, we gotta give Ricky the hack of the week for, for doing that. Just 'cause it was like, man, when he hit the 67, he just straight up double birded him and just punted him through turn one. I was like, okay. Speaker 3 00:55:35 He did. And not to say that we hate Ricky Stenhouse because I mean, sitting right behind me, you can just see the seven back there. I've got one of his, uh, this is one of his Kroger car, uh, pieces. You've got a 17 piece up there Speaker 2 00:55:47 That's a, that's a Ricky Stenhouse piece right there. Speaker 3 00:55:50 So we're, we like Ricky, Ricky was not a fan of international drivers yesterday though. And he made, I know he had everybody pissed off. So unfortunately Ricky Spin House gets himself the heck of the week award for the week almost had the perfect race of hitting every international driver. He went around the country, stamped his passport a couple times, so good for him making all that happen and winning the award. You have to work hard to win, but you just don't want hack of the week for the Razor riding racing boys half of the week. Uh, so, but yes, I agree with you. I think Betts is a good place to go. Now let's hit it up. What you, what what happened with your betts? Speaker 2 00:56:31 So I put down, I I didn't delete all my betts yet on here so I can te usually I'll delete 'em after they don't go. So I high picked Redick and Larsson to win and when they qual when they qualified, I was like, this is very solid. So I picked Reddick and Larsson to win. I picked a Hamlin top three because he has really came around on road courses this year and he had some terrible odds. So I was like, okay, this is some, this is some value here. I put McDowell top five just because I think McDowell's a hell of a road course guy and I've, I've put him top five earlier on road courses this year. And then my two parlays was Larsson over Elliot and Buscher over Bell. That one did not hit. And then my parlay that did hit was Reddick over Truex and Almond Dinger over Bush, which wouldn't have hit without Bush having his engine trouble. Speaker 2 00:57:21 So glad for the engine trouble. 'cause I I love that extra little bit of money there. Yeah. But uh, those were the two that hit and I was really expecting, I really thought Hamlin after the race was going out, they got on that weird strategy where they were staying out, you know, in that stage two there. And I was like, man, I wish he could drive his way back through here. 'cause his odds were so bad. I mean, I put five bucks, five bucks on him for a top three was $30. So that was like, which Speaker 3 00:57:48 Why not? Speaker 2 00:57:49 That's race winning odds for like a guy like Larsson and uh, like five bucks for them were like 36 and 32. So they were some, his top three odds were what some, some of the those guys, uh, winning odds were. So yeah, Speaker 3 00:58:04 No, I was with you. I I placed a lot of really similar betts to what Dawson did. Actually the two that he won are the same two I won with McDowell Top five and the Parlay of AJ over Bush and Reddick over Truex. So we both won those. Speaker 2 00:58:16 Did, I didn't know you did the exact same Parlay. We had the same that Oh Speaker 3 00:58:18 Yeah, we did the exact same parlay. We had the same, we had the same Betts hit. The only reason I won an extra bet on Dawson was that I picked Ford to be the winning manufacturer. So I didn't get that one as well. I don't use, but my two that I was the most disappointed do what Speaker 2 00:58:33 I don't normally do the winning man manufacturer, but, uh, I I that's that's I'm glad you won that. That's, that's a good pick. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:58:41 I, I picked Ford on that one because they were going to Indy and Penske owns it now. So I was like, maybe Ford's will have a little bit more oomph here because he's such a big Ford guy and they're definitely gonna be trying hard for it. Um, Speaker 2 00:58:52 Except, except the front row said yeah, double Bear de Penske and Outran all of 'em. Speaker 3 00:58:57 Yeah. Went out there and outran everybody. Uh, my one, I was most disappointed in that. I was the closest on that. I definitely was proud that I at least placed it was, I had Chase Briscoe to finish top three. I was thinking about doing top five instead, but I was like, ah, the odds are pretty good. Chase Brisket grew up within an hour of the track and he finished sixth. Yeah. So I was, I was dang close. If I'd picked top five, I'd only missed it by one spot. But I called him to have a good race and he definitely went out there and had one of his better races of the year. But he always does really well at the Indie Road course. Growing up an hour away from the track, I think it just increases his confidence. He had like a hundred friends and family, so it was kinda like playing a Travis TR show in Florida. You're gonna have a ton of people visiting Speaker 2 00:59:37 <laugh> Speaker 3 00:59:38 That just happens. Um, but yeah, that one and, and I had a couple weather's like, uh, Ross Chastain outright, I thought maybe he might be able to do something. He really had the quietest day he's had in a while. And, uh, Chris Speaker 2 00:59:49 Man, he's had, he's had no speed since Nashville. No speed. Someone commented, everybody, someone, someone posted uh, that uh, and like added Justin Marks or either Justin Marks made a post and they commented and Justin Marks response, all he said is NASCAR's hard. 'cause they, the comment was like the comment said something along the lines of like, you know, Chastain's had no speed since Nashville. Like, what's going on? And he's like, NASCAR's hard. NASCAR's hard <laugh>. It's like, I don't know what's going on. They've, they've had the mo dude, they started the season, I mean points leader, you know, pegged out, you know, outright dude that could win each week. But he was acting crazy. But you know, he was up there and then once he, once Darlington happened, boom, straight down was just running like we've talked about on this podcast. They were running like 25th like terrible. Yeah. And then boom, out of nowhere wins Nashville. And then since Nashville he's back to running the twenties. It's like, so it's been so here, I mean Speaker 3 01:00:45 He finished the 17th here recently. Yesterday, Speaker 2 01:00:48 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:00:48 Now he is, and now he is, uh, for regular points championship for uh, the regular season. He is in seventh when he was leading it outright for a long time. Yeah, it's crazy. Playoff season about sixth. I mean he is, he's definitely falling off. He's not even in your like favorites for the final four at this point, which is crazy to even start Speaker 2 01:01:06 Start the year he was like, damn, get him a win. And he's in there and, but yeah, and it's just one of those things, I don't know, he's, he's having just inconsist on, on the only way I know to say just super inconsistent. Yeah, Speaker 3 01:01:17 No doubt. But uh, coming up on Watkins Glen people to watch out for, um, I, on one hand I have shaky amounts of confidence in Chase Elliot. On the other hand, I know that this is their best last chance and they're gonna be pushing hard for a win here. So depending on what his odds look like, he could be somebody worth looking at for a top five or Speaker 2 01:01:39 Top three. Oh his odds are gonna be through the way too shitty. Not, I'm not saying you shouldn't Speaker 3 01:01:43 Do it, I mean that's, that's, Speaker 2 01:01:45 But yeah, Speaker 3 01:01:45 He's already the Speaker 2 01:01:46 Favorite and, and he's Chase Elliot. His odds will be up there <laugh>. Speaker 3 01:01:51 Yeah, I know Truex is probably gonna be in the same same boat. He's probably gonna be under Chase for odds, so he may be the better one to go with, but he usually does well here as well. Um, other folks, Larson won here last year, might do something good is Larsson. Yeah, absolutely. I agree with that. Uh, watch out for cousin. It's a good road Speaker 2 01:02:09 Road course driver. Speaker 3 01:02:11 Yeah. Red their Speaker 2 01:02:13 Been talk Go ahead. Speaker 3 01:02:16 No, I was gonna just agree with you, Reddick's Road course prowess has been top notch this year, so they're definitely got something hitting over there. Speaker 2 01:02:24 Before yesterday, Buscher had eight top tens at road courses in a row and uh, that was kind of, it kind of felt like to me the short track package and road course package were the first two things like really turned around at R F K. So I'm not a, I'm not, I wouldn't be a po I mean, uh, if you, uh, KES ran great yesterday. I think he he did, did he run? He he ran great. Yeah, so he, he uh, well Speaker 3 01:02:45 He ran great, but they were just on the wrong strategy. They, he would ran, he ran great whenever he was staying out super long in almost one stage two. Speaker 2 01:02:53 Okay. I just remember seeing up there at certain points, but either way I, I agree with you. I could see, uh, you know, Watkins Glen being what I can I, when I say NASCAR road courses, I'm talking about Watkins Glen and Sonoma. Those are the two that have been around, you know, forever and ever and ever. So like on a NASCAR road course like that and the way they've been running on road courses, I could totally see Butcher and Keslowski doing just fine next week. Especially with the speed that they've even found, you know, in, in the last month, they're, I really could see those guys doing well at Watkins Glen Speaker 3 01:03:26 Absolutely. And can't miss out on Daniel Suarez either. I could see 'em going out and having another, they need to have a solid day. So I could see them being aggressive, but not to the point of wrecking themselves out. So maybe a top five bet on Daniel Suarez would be a great idea on head-to-head. I would definitely pick him over most of the field. That's a, that's gonna be a good one. But that's, it's a, it's, that's a fun part about these betts is it's like we talked about earlier in the podcast to kind of bring it all around. It's so easy for any, it's easy, it's so easy to say that anybody could win it, that it's hard to pick which one you think is actually gonna do it. This may be one of those, this may be one of those times where you can pick a few before practice or anything else goes down, but it may be beneficial to wait a little bit and see who's actually got some speed. Speaker 3 01:04:11 Because here we go with Michael McDowell just coming out and having that winning speed and dominated the whole race. We never would've said anything about him if we had recorded a podcast last week except for making, what if he does it again for top five, Hey, another guy to look out for. But I think out of all the guys that have, that have something to gain by winning this race, I think you're gonna see Chase Elliot, you're gonna see Bubba Wallace and you're gonna see Daniel Suarez all do things strategy-wise that are going to put them in position to win the race. So them having winning look at their wins, uh, look at their odds for winning. I say those are gonna be the guys that are going to be aiming not for a good day. Even if something goes wrong, they're gonna do anything they can to be back in the right strategy. The winning strategy, that's what you're gonna be watching out for. Um, I have a little like with your William Byron Cha, Kyle Larsons, people with already that are already locked into the playoffs, of course they're gonna be trying to go for that win, but I could totally see them just trying to have some solid days and get some playoff points by the end of finishing the top 10. So just keep an eye out for your, your, uh, bubble drivers to, uh, come out here and swing for the fences Speaker 2 01:05:21 Because after that it's just DayOne. Also give on a counter of that, you could see some of those bubble guys, not Chase, not Suarez, but a guy like the, the six, the four, the uh, 23 guys that are in right now. I could see them doing strategy where they're just bank, just locking in some stage points. You know, trying to get like, you know, top three, top four in a stage, you know, two times and then go finish. Even if they finished mid-pack, they would still have a top 10 day points wise, because they were talking about Bubba the other day on D B C and he finished like, got like a fourth and got like a third in the stage and then finished 18th, but still finished seventh in the most amount of points. So if you can go flip the stages like that at a road course, it's not a bad strategy too, if you're just straight up trying to get points. Yeah, obviously I know a win locks you in, but a guy like Bubba, who's not a road course guy, they could stay out on both stages and lock in some points and then go finish 15th, 12th, 18th somewhere in there and come out with a decent points day. Which for Bubba might not be a bad idea. Speaker 3 01:06:26 That might be a great idea for him. And, uh, so yeah, it's, but Speaker 2 01:06:30 He swore as Speaker 3 01:06:31 This is gonna be a tough one to call. It's gonna be a tough one to call. There's just no, there's no obvious favorite here. If I had to pick an obvious favorite, it's gonna be your AJ Alman dingers, of course the road course Ringer. It's gonna be your, I I'd say Truex. I'd say Larsson. And I'd say, man, I, I have a really hard time saying Chase Elliot is one of my favorites. I just say that he's gonna be somebody that's going to be doing everything he can to get to that win. So he, he's someone to watch out for and he did get his first win here. There's a definite good shot of him coming out and doing something wild, but let's not get our, let's not get our wranglers in a wad just yet. We gotta get there first. So Speaker 2 01:07:12 He ran great here last year, you know, him and Larsson got into it at the end, at the very, you know, three to go that that kind of tainted their friendship a little bit, but, uh, Speaker 3 01:07:22 It did. That's what makes Watkins Glen so much fun that, Speaker 2 01:07:25 I don't know, I don't think a teammate would knock, knock a teammate out that's outta the playoffs. So if that situation came again, you know, I feel like Chase, they would, you know, try to help him out, honestly, you know, him and the 48. Speaker 3 01:07:37 Yeah. Unless it comes outta to the last lap, last corner, we will see what happens. But, uh, that maybe we'll have a recreation of it. That'd be something fun to watch. Speaker 2 01:07:47 Oh yeah. Speaker 3 01:07:48 Um, but yeah, so we, we, we are kind of gonna wait till the odds came out and like we said, we may be doing some betting podcasts at some point just talking about what we're gonna be placing. And we have to, sometimes it's easier to make a pick whenever you're looking at the odds because some people, yeah, I have all the confidence in the world that trick could go out and win this race. Do I have the confidence in the world, Adam doing it with only plus 200 odds? No <laugh>, I'd rather pick somebody else to potentially win more money. But, uh, yeah, I think the last thing we ever to really touch on is trading and paint, paint schemes for this week. And I'm, I'm hitting up that harvick throwback scheme to Tony Stewart. That mo scheme looked phenomenal. The wings on the side, all about it. I g I love a good red, white, blue paint scheme. They Speaker 2 01:08:36 Always say, and I agree with this, it's hard to mess up a, an alcohol or a motor oil or a gas car. If they're sponsored by one of those things, it's pretty hard to mess that paint job up. So it really is. I'm, I'm 99.9% of the time a big fan of the mobile one scheme. So own a car truck. You know, I I, I'm not gonna lie, John Hunter's mobile one scheme is one of my least favorite, even though it is red, white, and blue. I'm not. I just, it doesn't really do it for me. But, uh, the four car looked great and for my trading paint, I just wanted hit on the, the Indy 500 and the 600 car they did with Larsson and the McLaren and all that stuff. Like the orange and the blue and the white like, looks really cool. And I, I love how they're kind of bringing the IndyCar orange, that orange over to the NASCAR side. And then he obviously he's bringing his sponsor Hendrick over to the IndyCar side. So I thought was really cool, you know, unveiling it at, at Indy and uh, you know, the car looks cool. It's different than the normal Ricky Stenhouse or Ricky Hendrick, you know, scheme they normally run. Caleb hates it, thank goodness all Speaker 3 01:09:36 The time. So thank goodness all about it. But yeah. Yeah, I think it looks great. I, I agree with, with you, you sent me a picture of it before we started that, that that circle looked good all about it. I think it's gonna be a really good Speaker 2 01:09:47 Looking, a big fan, but yeah, absolutely. We're gonna be in Florida this weekend. All three shows all outside. Probably gonna rain on us. Speaker 3 01:09:55 I'm not looking forward to it. This is gonna be hot. We're not fans Speaker 2 01:09:59 Playing outsidey. It is. Speaker 3 01:10:01 No, I'm already tired. I'm already exhausted. I'm already soaking wet, I'm sweaty, I'm crying all of the above. Speaker 2 01:10:10 Yep. We leave, uh, we'll leave Wednesday at 6:00 PM Speaker 3 01:10:15 Heck yeah. And then we'll be home on Sunday to watch the race. We got Watkins Glen. I'm so excited. It's one of my favorite race tracks we go to every year. I always look forward to this one. I'm glad we're able to watch it. Uh, we're just gonna come home and do a shit load of laundry and watch some racing. That's what Speaker 2 01:10:32 I, that's what I do every Sunday. Speaker 3 01:10:33 That's just what you have to do. But yeah, I'm, I'm definitely looking forward to the race, not looking forward to the weekend. Let's get it done with and just get home. But other than that, really, I'm just excited that we're back at it again. Once again. Thanks everybody for, uh, reaching out and asking us when we were gonna get back to it. We have been trying and it finally worked. Uh, let us know if there's anything that you want us to do. If there's anything that you're interested in, uh, us having going forward. If there's any ideas that you have, we love to hear the feedback 'cause it just gives us more ideas of what to do going forward. And we have so much more freedom in our recording style now that we can do it at home and we can easily get this set up. Speaker 3 01:11:17 Just leave it here until it's time to leave for the weekend. We can absolutely come in and do some betting podcasts. We can talk about major news outbreaks that come out with the, uh, silly season coming up. It's definitely gonna be a good time for that. So we're, we're definitely excited about getting back to it and having the freedom to kind of be creative on our own. And we will miss going to Nikki t and seeing them every week, but we are still in contact with them constantly talking about different ideas. So send it to all of us. Let us know what you think and let us know what we can do better and what you like about what we're doing and or just talk crap to us and tell us how our pictures are all wrong. I love hearing that, but I love hearing about that. Speaker 3 01:11:57 'cause mine usually are, but what'd that guy call me on TikTok? Uh, what did he, what did he call you? Uh, something funny. I can't remember. He, it was hilarious or something. Yeah. I can't remember what it was, but yeah. No, we'll figure out. We can call that, that too. We're here for it. Yeah, just you can call us anything you want. Just don't call me a, uh, just, I I don't even know what I'm, I'm just don't, don't call me, I guess. 'cause that'd be weird. But either way I had a lot of fun. We're back at it again. We're back in black or I guess you're back in blue. I'm back in peachy beige colors, but I'm very, very happy for it. So reach out to us on social media. My handle is at Caleb Conroy on everything. TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, you name it. Uh, I was dinging music. Yes, sir. We've got at raised rowdy racing across the spectrum. And, uh, don't forget to follow at raised rowdy Nikki t and at Raised, rowdy. Thank you guys for, uh, being patient with us, letting us get back to it. We're looking forward to it. And I guess we'll be talking to y'all again next week. Next same time every week. Next Monday, baby. Back days again. Let's do it. Y'all have a good one. It. See y'all. See y'all. Speaker 0 01:13:16 I Speaker 4 01:13:16 Don't drive a money car and my trip ain't black. It ain't got a big wide number three turning left around the track, Speaker 0 01:13:29 But Speaker 4 01:13:29 You can hear me coming from a mile and a half away. Speaker 0 01:13:35 These good years Speaker 4 01:13:36 Can't handle dirt, don't need no curve with banks. Speaker 0 01:13:42 I, I make up with four by four. I'm in outta traffic.

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